
Sunday, November 25, 2012

Different Kinds Of Herbal Supplements For Fertility

Some women often turn to herbal and natural ways to enhance fertility or to increase their chances of conception. Whether it be because they are not quite at the 1 year mark and are trying to help things along so they don't have to resort to fertility drugs, or if they just don't want to do fertility drugs period, or they are taking a break from the fertility drugs, or, like me, trying something to fill in the time until we can afford an IUI, it has become a very common and often times successful route.

I don't have statistics on success rates so you guys will just have to use good old google for that one, but I can give you a list of some of the most commonly used herbs/supplements women have been using while TTC.

Vitex/Chasteberry- Very popular fertility herb. Often used to regulate hormonal imbalances and is especially helpful for those with PCOS.

Maca-(For men and women)- Great for increasing sex drive, regulating hormones, and increasing energy levels. Supports thyroid function, sexual function, can improve sperm count and motility, and is very safe. MUST be the root as that is the beneficial part for fertility.

Royal Jelly- a substance secreted by nurse worker bee glands helps to balance hormones and support the endocrine system. Royal Jelly has been shown to mimic human estrogen which may help if you suffer from low estrogen. Also may strengthen uterine lining.

Dong Quai- Used as a health tonic for many generations in Asia, this is used for overall health of the uterus and regulating menstrual cycles. Also helps with stress relief. Women with endometriosis can also use this for pain relief associated with endo especially when mixed with Chasteberry, Black Cohosh, or Ginseng.

Red Clover Blossom- Very good for women with endometriosis. High vitamins and protein help with the uterus. Also high in calcium and magnesium which relaxes the nervous system. Also can help with fibroids and balancing hormones. 

Red Raspberry Leaf- Tones the uterus and pelvic muscles. Try mixing with Red Clover to enhance results. 

Evening Primrose Oil (EPO)- Has anti-inflammatory properties which helps with PMS, menopause, breast pain, cramps and it's best known for improving cervical mucus. Taken only from menstruation to ovulation.

Black Cohosh- Used to help stimulate ovulation. Taken only from end of menstruation to ovulation. 

Ginger Root- Aids in moving blood to organs. Reduces cramping and can help with ovarian cysts and endometriosis. 

Flaxseed Oil-(For men and women) Perfect for not only fertility, but overall health. Helps keep sperm healthy and helps improve the uterine lining and helps stabilize estrogen and progesterone. 

On top of these herbs, you can buy pills that contain combinations of these herbs for specific reasons. For example, I'll be using FertileCM while hubby tries Maca. There are a ton of different kinds that you can find either here  or  here for just about anything.


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